SEO and Digital PR Agency based in London
Type A help established businesses build website traffic with fast implementation and fair pricing.

We have skin in the game
We like to call ourselves the 4 day work week hipsters. Why? Because we were doing it before it was cool. Type A was created as a 4 day week agency in 2017 to help us hire and retain the best talent and compete with the biggest agencies globally.

We are publicly proven
We have tens of published case studies from major brands detailing the results we were able to drive. On top of this we have a little black book of clients that regularly provide glowing references and sing our praises.
We are endorsed by the greats
We are SEMrush academy trainers and the authors of the site audit course for SEMrush. This course is taken by 1000s of SEOs to help them get better at technical SEO and integrate enterprise tools into their workflow.

Clients Love Us
We achieve consistently high Net Promoter Scores (NPS) from our clients every quarter with our average NPS score being 80 over the last 12 months.
How will Type A make you go..... AHA!
Simply, we bake our company values of of Upfront, Being Invested, Growing Together, Making Cool Stuff and Balance into our daily work.
Great work means hiring great people
We are proud to call ourselves the 4 day work week “hipsters” as we started as a 4 day company in 2016, before it was cool.
By promoting balance we attract the best talent and create a daily focus that other agencies can’t compete with.
Great people need great incentives
Our team are invested in your success as they ‘earn’ each Friday off by achieving client KPIs week in, week out.
Smart people, smart frameworks
Talking about KPIs, Type A get consistent, repeatable results because of our SEO frameworks for strategy and delivery called REST and BOOM.
Strategy is bespoke but implementation is standardised. This means we can make cool stuff with more speed, accuracy and predictability.
Standardised delivery, standardised pricing
Our standardised workflow allows for upfront pricing. All retainers are a single flat fee, with interchangeable deliverables, allowing flexibility each month.
Public Accountability
Our clients love us because of our flexibility as it shows we invested in their business.
This is proven in our client NPS (net promotor score) survey that we publish to our blog so you can read exactly what our clients think of us, warts n’all.
And it’s not just our clients, we are endorsed by SEMrush Academy where we teach thousands of SEO consultants how to implement successful SEO campaigns.
Our Results
Browse our client case studies to see the great results we’ve been able to drive across multiple industries.