SEO for e-commerce

Whether you work with Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, BigCommerce or an enterprise solution like Sitecore we will grow your organic revenue to your e-commerce business with a smart SEO strategy and fast implementation. 

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Our SEO Approach for E-Commerce

Ecommerce SEO Agency

At Type A we focus on revenue over rankings. Finding the right Ecommerce SEO Agency creates a moat around your business and creates long a term competitive advantage for your Ecommerce brand.

Ecommerce SEO is different from business to business and platform to platform. At Type A we have experience working with all manner of Ecommerce Stores including:

  • Shopify

  • Magento

  • SiteCore

  • BigCommerce

  • WooCommerce

  • Drupal

  • Oracle Commerce Cloud

  • Adobe Commerce Cloud

  • SAP Hybris

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Our Agency’s Approach to Ecommerce SEO

Understand your unique Ecommerce environment

The technology you use and the number of URLs play an important factor in our approach to providing Ecommerce SEO services.

Enterprise Ecommerce sites such as Sitecore, Adobe, Oracle and Salesforece Commerce cloud have very specific and heavily customised back ends. For these sites, we need to spend time with developers and technical stakeholders to understand their development sprints and Ecommerce priorities so we can help build a business case for every feature we want to build into the CMS or every SEO update we want to provide.

Large numbers of product pages also provide a unique challenge to the Ecommerce SEO consultant as they will need to develop a programatic way of finding, analysing and fixing and SEO issues as there are to many product pages to manual intervene.

Similarly, the staff and team in your commence business are going to be paramount to getting the right changes made. For example, there is one e-commerce manager or head of Ecommerce with the power to sign off SEO decisions, every thing is straightforward. If there is a larger team of technical directors, brand managers and other senior stakeholders, the way in which we provide our Ecommerce SEO recommendations will be fundamentally different and much more consultative.

Build an SEO strategy focusing on your strengths and ability to implement

Here’s the thing. As the Ecommerce manager or the head of SEO at an Ecommerce brand, you already know most of the major issues that need fixed on the site. Therefore, providing you a laundry list of SEO recommendations from technical SEO to on page SEO is not going to cut the mustard. Instead, we need to find the products and categories with the highest potential for increased sales with the lowest amount of SEO needed.

Build business cases to pitch Ecommerce updates to internal stakeholders and get buy in further up the chain

This is where the business case comes in. Based on your technical ability to implement, the time and cost of the SEO implementation and the potential forecast revenue growth, we can start to categories all of the SEO actions according to risk and reward to make the SEO recommendations tangible, defensible and measurable.

How do we measure SEO success?

In a word: revenue.

The more complicated answer is that we have a 3 tier KPI structure that understands leading and lagging ecommerce metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of your SEO campaign. They are:

  • Transactional keywords: people searching with the intention of buying, when they know exactly what they’re looking for, for example: ‘3-seater white fabric sofa’.

  • Informational keywords: people searching for information about the product they think they want to buy, for example: ‘how to style a white fabric sofa’.

  • Conversational keywords: people getting inspiration for their ideas but not near the buying stage yet, for example: ‘neutral colour scheme living room ideas’.

Each keyword we target, is added to a website ontology that groups together all of your product and category URLs so we can show cause and effect reporting at a keyword level. This, in turn, gives you insight into where to invest more marketing budget to grow your ecommerce store.

What is included in our agency’s Ecommerce SEO packages?

Product page optimisation

A fundamental part of Ecommerce SEO is understanding the relationship between your product pages and category pages. In particular, understanding all of the ways a customer can discover and interact with an individual product URL.

Scaled internal linking updates

When you only have a handful of pages, it’s easy enough to add internal links between core pages. But how do you approach internal linking when you have hundreds of thousands of URLs in different categories? You need a custom programmatic internal linking solution. Thankfully, Type A are the type of Ecommerce SEO agency to develop their own software to cluster URLs together and provide an ideal internal linking structure programmatically.

Programatic solutions to site wide SEO issues

When we were challenged with a global food Ecommerce website with over 500k URLs, we knew that we would need to develop programmatic solutions to help optimise our enterprise e-commerce clients websites. This is why we have senior SEO consultants that have been hired out of large multi national businesses with a pedigree on crawling and understanding the issues inherent with scaled e-commerce brands.

Conversation Rate Optimisation

Traffic is great, but if it doesn’t convert to revenue then it’s totally useless. That’s why we approach each page on your website with conversion rate optimisation in mind. Testing site copy, product and category page layouts and various call to action options ensures that the bottom line grows at the same pace as your rankings and organic traffic from Google.

Category Page Optimisation

Optimising a category page to rank higher in Google is one of the primary strategies for Ecommerce SEO as the category page typically targets higher search volume keywords. However, the difficulty in optimising a category page is that many Ecommerce platforms do not allow for much manual intervention without a fundamental change to the website code. That’s why we build a consulting process into the start of the SEO campaign, so we can define what’s possible over the short, medium and long term.

UX and Navigation Reviews

The biggest SEO gains to be had on an Ecommerce site is usually around UX, navigation and internal linking. In particular, working with a faceted navigation and understanding how each product URL is canonicalised and indexed will allow you to reduce the amount of duplicate URLs in Google’s Index and power up your product page rankings.

Ecommerce Lifetime Value Reporting

Most analytics attribution models that come out of analytics packages like Google Analytics are last click, non direct. This means that the last channel that the customer visited gets the “credit” for making a sale. As SEO affects all stages of the sales funnel, it’s challenging to use this attribution model to truly decide on customer lifetime value.

Therefore, we work with your analytics in order to build SEO reports that show the value of SEO over the full product discovery and purchasing lifecycle. This means that we can see the keywords and landing pages that drive the most revenue at every customer touch point.

SEO (search engine optimisation) is as crucial as the design and functionality of your website when it comes to marketing your site online. Optimal SEO positively affects organic search engine rankings and online revenue. So, it’s crucial to hire a SEO expert in content marketing with experience delivering measurable results and conversing with search engine algorithms’ intricacies.

Ecommerce SEO experts should be able to craft a winning organic search marketing campaign, whether your focus is on lead generation or online storefronts. The process of creating a website without thinking about SEO is similar to writing a book and never releasing it. People will only come across it if they read it or buy it. Your website is an excellent promotional resource and a worthwhile financial commitment. However, for it to be helpful, it needs to be easily accessible to your potential customers.

SEO: why is it so important for online stores?

Many types of businesses can reap the rewards of SEO, but e-commerce operations stand to gain the most.

SEO for online stores helps bring in more serious buyers. Customers like these are more inclined to purchase your goods, leading to increased sales and profits. With the help of SEO, you can get your website in front of this set of buyers by making it more relevant to the keywords they use.

These terms are usually associated with your business and the items you sell.

You might expect those phrases to appear in searches for your business if you offer products like embroidered cat collars. For this reason, phrases like “embroidered cat collars” or “engraved cat collars” might be part of your e-commerce SEO campaign’s focus. These are search terms that relate to your industry and your ideal customer.

Benefits of SEO for Ecommerce

1. Ecommerce SEO introduces you to high-value customers

Consumers are prepared to part with their money, but they may only visit your store if you optimize it for search engines. With the help of our eCommerce SEO services, you can rest assured that as many potential customers as possible will find your store.

SEO for online shops is like putting a giant billboard out front of a physical business proclaiming, “We sell cat supplies!” or “We stock dog toys!” If you don’t optimize your website for these terms, people who use keywords with strong purchasing intent won’t find you.

On the other hand, your rivals do, and they’re more than delighted to steal your customers.

2. Full-line product optimisation is possible with Ecommerce SEO

Even if your online business only sells a handpicked selection of products, it is still crucial that those customers easily find what they need.

Online marketing allows you to promote your products, while traditional marketing limits you to just a few, except if you have a huge budget.

Using eCommerce SEO services, you may improve your site’s visibility to the people most likely to purchase.

3. SEO for online shops raises their profile

Online storefronts can benefit greatly from SEO techniques applied to their websites. Ecommerce SEO raises your site’s profile, which in turn helps customers locate you. To put it another way, your website will be on search engine result page one instead of showing up on page two of search engine results.

If you don’t take SEO into account, your company could be at risk of many things.

• Having a lower position in the search engine result page

• Having less orders placed

• Reduced Income

All of these pose potential threats to the success of your business and to its day-to-day functioning. There will be a decline in profits if you are unable to generate substantial interest in your website, which in turn will reduce sales and ultimately your revenue. That can’t go on forever.

4. SEO for online businesses is a worthwhile investment

SEO for online shops is much more affordable than other forms of advertising. Search engine optimization (SEO) propels desired outcomes by honing in on and optimizing for the keywords used by your target audience. It’s the backbone of a successful digital marketing campaign based on metrics like ROI.

You can reinvest the funds you save with SEO towards expanding your company.

5. Ecommerce SEO increases sales over time

When done correctly, SEO may provide a steady income for your business, with a closure rate of nearly 15% (meaning 15% of all leads will convert). Because of this, SEO is a continuing process that only provides results after some time but does produce results eventually.

Although it may not seem like much, a close rate of 15% is eight times higher than the 1.75% achieved through more conventional advertising. If your organization invests that much money annually in traditional marketing, you must see a far higher close rate.

For this and other reasons, e-commerce sites increasingly turn to digital marketing strategies.

Your business can thrive over time thanks to eCommerce SEO’s consistent returns. That corresponds to accomplishing your company’s ultimate aims, such as growing your product offering, increasing your workforce, or making your desired sales volume.

6. With the help of an SEO expert, you can better compete in the market

Expect your competition to outrank you in search engine results if you need an eCommerce SEO strategy and hire a top SEO company.

A competitor with reliable eCommerce SEO experts will almost always outrank you, even if you have an incredible eCommerce website with a great design that naturally draws hundreds of links. More than one component is required.

It would be best if you had all the tools when competing in today’s fierce internet market.

2023 and Beyond: Search Engine Optimisations Importance for ecommerce

SEO is helpful for nearly any business. For the time being, it appears like everyone is jumping on the e-commerce bandwagon, and new businesses are being established daily. Therefore, maintaining a cutting-edge service stack is crucial if you want to build a name for yourself in this competitive field.

Get the services of a content marketing SEO expert to have an edge against your competitors as your site will rank high on the search engine result page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ecommerce sites do SEO by splitting their SEO targets into product, category and subcategory levels and then writing blog content to support each product and category.

Half of all web traffic goes through search engines. Since the events of 2020 online shopping has exploded in popularity and is now the main way people find, research and purchase goods. Therefore, it makes sense to optimise your ecommerce store to rank for the words people use to buy your products.

Standard SEO is less worried about optimising images, product descriptions, shopping feeds and calls to action where e-commerce is heavily concerned with making lots of small optimisations across lots of products to grow individual visibility in search engines.

The best way to do SEO for e-commerce products is to build the products into category pages that people search for on a daily basis and optimise the category page to rank for a more generic keyword. The reason this is a better solution is because there is higher search volume and having a collection of products can be a better page to send a customer to so they can browse a selection instead of one single product.

Any tool that helps manage product feeds and connect to Google Shopping and allows you to make bulk changes to the site is classed as a good tool. If you have 1000s of products, the best SEO tools are the ones that let you take 1 action and effect 1000s of pages.

No, Shopify is incredibly well optimised out of the box. The give control over sitemaps, titles and descriptions and is a great option to get started with e-commerce.

Each platform has strengths and weaknesses based on your needs. If you are getting started Shopify is best as it hosts everything and has automatic updates. If you need complex integrations with email marketing and CRMs with multi currencies and integrations with storefronts, it’s better to use something that’s more flexible like Magento.