Episode 43 – Change of address tool is back, Googlebot is changing the user agent…

In this episode we discuss:

Ross: 00:00 Mister, look at your girl. I can see it in her eyes.

Ross: 00:03 She loves it.

Ross: 00:04 Welcome to Canonical Chronicle episode 7,000,502 let’s get into it.

Ross: 00:19 Every single time I watch a Webmaster Hangout, I’m like…

Ross: 00:24 The reason being is we still get people asking questions like,

Ross: 00:28 “Are multiple H1s in a page bad?”

Ross: 00:32 I don’t know how John sits there and answers all those questions,

Ross: 00:35 but God love him. He has the patience of a saint.

Ross: 00:38 On Webmaster Hangouts, John is kind of like…

Speaker 2: 00:40 (Singing).

Ross: 00:40 So essentially all you need to know is multiple H1s on a page are fine,

Ross: 00:56 but if you can get round it,

Ross: 00:59 just use one because it’s obviously a bit of a ranking signal for Google.

Ross: 01:03 Otherwise, they wouldn’t mention it in their documentation.

Ross: 01:07 Have you done any migrations recently,

Ross: 01:09 and have you had your traffic do this?

Ross: 01:14 Well, the good news is that we have one more tool in our arsenal to guard against it.

Ross: 01:19 So when the old search console went away,

Ross: 01:21 so did the ability to do the change of address.

Ross: 01:25 The tool essentially allowed you to indicate that

Ross: 01:26 you are moving to a new site or sub domain.

Ross: 01:29 Well, very good news: The tool is now back within the new version of search consoles.

Ross: 01:34 So when you do your next migration,

Ross: 01:37 you can tell Google from what domain it’s starting and what domain it’s going to.

Speaker 3: 01:41 Hello, boys. I’m back.

Ross: 01:47 So with all the new development frameworks on the web now available,

Ross: 01:49 it looks like the Google user agent is kind of like…

Speaker 4: 01:54 You like popsicles?

Speaker 5: 01:55 Well, sure.

Speaker 4: 01:56 Then you need to come on down to the cellar.

Ross: 01:58 I’ve got a whole freezer full of popsicles.

Ross: 02:01 So Google currently uses a Chrome-based web browser to render webpages.

Ross: 02:05 So to reflect the new updates,

Ross: 02:08 they’re going to update user strings to better reflect the browser version

Ross: 02:11 and update it more regularly, essentially creating an evergreen Google bot crawler.

Ross: 02:17 Now for most of you, this isn’t really going to matter,

Ross: 02:20 but if you pre-render web pages or use a technology that sniffs

Ross: 02:24 for the user agent to serve a particular experience,

Ross: 02:28 this may break your indexing.

Ross: 02:29 So Google are recommending that you use feature

Ross: 02:32 detection instead of using agents sniffing. So if you can do that,

Ross: 02:36 then just simply search for Google bot inside the user string.

Ross: 02:39 If you don’t, some of the errors you’re going to get may include your site

Ross: 02:44 mistaking Google bot for an ad blocker and not indexing any content,

Ross: 02:48 or even worse just not showing anything at all.

Ross: 02:52 A completely blank page.

Ross: 02:54 For more information,

Ross: 02:55 go over to the Google bot site, so you can see how to implement all these updates.

Ross: 02:59 Are you a bit of a video buff?

Ross: 03:01 Are you constantly taking selfies and vlogging? Like…

Speaker 6: 03:04 All right guys, crossing the street here at Paseo del Saber. These guys are for sure virgins.

Ross: 03:10 Well, good news.

Ross: 03:11 You can now seeing video performance inside search console performance reports.

Ross: 03:17 Now you need video object structured data markup on the page for it to show.

Ross: 03:22 Quick question: Ron, do we have a video markup on our Canonical Chronicle videos?

Ron: 03:29 Maybe.

Ross: 03:31 Okay, so the answer is no, we don’t.

Ross: 03:33 So at Type A, we’re going to put them on and we’ll let you know how it goes.

Ross: 03:36 But the great thing about this is you’re now going to see

Ross: 03:39 your video traffic segmented away from normal web traffic,

Ross: 03:44 which means that when it comes to optimizing keywords in videos,

Ross: 03:47 there’s one more thing in your arsenal that’s going to

Ross: 03:49 help you perform better when it comes to video.

Ross: 03:53 That’s everything for this week’s Canonical Chronicle.

Ross: 03:55 We hope you’ve enjoyed it.

Ross: 03:56 If so, please do leave a comment down below and let me know

Ross: 03:59 how you’re going to be using all these types and tricks,

Ross: 04:02 and please do follow us on social.

Ross: 04:03 And until next time, we will see you later.

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