Episode 27 – Google 3D/AR Integration now live

In the latest episode of our meme-infused SEO news roundup, we discuss:

Ross: 00:00 Move bitch, get out the way. Get out the way bitch,Ross: 00:04 get out the way. Move bitch, get out the way.Ross: 00:07 Hello to everyone at Digital Elite Day andRoss: 00:10 welcome to the five millionth episode of the Canonical Chronicle.Ross: 00:13 This is a weekly YouTube show that keeps you informedRoss: 00:16 of the latest Google news through the immortal medium of catRoss: 00:19 videos and internet memes.Ross: 00:21 So, without further ado, let’s get into it.Ludacris: 00:24 Move bitch, get out the way,Ludacris: 00:27 get out the way bitch,Ludacris: 00:29 get out the way.Ross: 00:30 So this week Google pre-announced thatRoss: 00:32 they’re going to run a core algorithm update startingRoss: 00:35 this week, June 2019.Ross: 00:38 Now this is a first for Google, because they usuallyRoss: 00:40 choose to surprise us out of nowhere.Ross: 00:43 In fact, some of your more seasoned web mastersRoss: 00:45 out there are going to remember that they never

Ross: 00:47 really pre-announce anything.

Ross: 00:49 Remember when they wiped a bunch of us out with Panda.

Speaker 3: 00:52 His name is John Cena.

Ross: 00:56 But hey, we are resilient. We got back up on our feet,Ross: 00:59 and we were like…Neo: 01:01 I know kung fu.Morpheus: 01:02 Show me.

Ross: 01:03 And we were back mastering the SERPs in no time at all,Ross: 01:07 until the dreaded Penguin.Speaker 6: 01:11 Shut up.Ross: 01:12 Now a lot of people on Twitter are speculating thatRoss: 01:15 this is going to be a massive update,Ross: 01:17 because they’re pre-announcing it.Ross: 01:19 But Danny Sullivan, the Google search liaison officer,Ross: 01:22 said that it’s not a particularly big deal,Ross: 01:25 they just want to be a bit more proactive,Ross: 01:28 so we’re not left all scratching our headsRoss: 01:30 when some major update happens.Ross: 01:32 Thanks Danny, much appreciate your update.Ross: 01:35 So, as always folks, it’s good to know that the algorithmsRoss: 01:37 are being updated, but if you’re one of those peopleRoss: 01:40 that’s constantly changing them and seeing theseRoss: 01:42 massive swings in your rankings, you’ve got someRoss: 01:45 fundamental problems with your website that you need to address.Ross: 01:48 You should not be chasing algorithms at all,Ross: 01:52 and if you’re seeing these big swings, something’s probably wrong.Ross: 01:56 As of the 1st of July, Google will start running mobile indexingRoss: 01:59 as default on all brand new websites that they discover.Ross: 02:04 That’s right, Google are literally going to call you on your cell phone.Drake: 02:07 I know when that hotline bling. That can only mean one thing.Ross: 02:13 So that’s right, when that hotline bling it can only mean mobile indexing.Ross: 02:20 So Google reported the vast majority of websitesRoss: 02:22 that they crawl are now actively showing the sameRoss: 02:25 experience on desktop as well as mobile,Ross: 02:27 hence the move to mobile first indexing.Ross: 02:30 You can continue to use the URL inspection toolRoss: 02:33 to check for mobile indexing, and Google have saidRoss: 02:35 that they’re going to continue to monitor older sitesRoss: 02:38 to assess them for mobile readiness.Ross: 02:40 Next up, popular dishes have arrived in Google Maps.Ross: 02:44 Start a counter for some bad food puns.Ross: 02:47 All right, a tasty new feature has arrived for restaurateursRoss: 02:50 using Google Maps that we think users are going to eat up.Ross: 02:54 Google will now start showing the most popularRoss: 02:56 menu items in the restaurant, relying on the patronsRoss: 02:59 to dish out their favourite meals and reviews.Ross: 03:02 If you’re in the food business,Ross: 03:04 you’ll know that reviews are the bread and butter of the business.Ross: 03:08 So this new feature is great because it gives youRoss: 03:10 another option to optimise your GMB profile and attract new customers.Ross: 03:16 It’s going to be particularly useful when you takeRoss: 03:18 into consideration the Explore feature,Ross: 03:21 which allows you to explore a destination,Ross: 03:24 book a table and even organise things with larger groups.Ross: 03:27 Now, all of the reviews are 100% user generated,Ross: 03:31 so it will be up to the business owner to encourageRoss: 03:33 the reviews and images in store. I just hope they don’t make a meal out of it.Ross: 03:39 I mean, it could end up looking like a dog’s dinner.Ross: 03:42 But I’m sure the users will eat it up.Ross: 03:44 When it comes to restaurant marketing,Ross: 03:46 I’ve never really given the GMB profile any food for thought,Ross: 03:50 but clearly Google are hungry for market share.Ross: 03:55 So last week at Google IO it was announcedRoss: 03:58 that they were bringing augmented reality into search.Ross: 04:02 Well, it’s now live, and it’s a little terrifying.Ross: 04:06 So if you Google basic things like shark,Ross: 04:09 it’s going to launch an augmented reality version of a shark,Ross: 04:13 and you can look at it as a 3D model.Ross: 04:15 You can now look at a baby shark, a mummy shark,Ross: 04:20 you get the picture.Speaker 8: 04:23 Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.Ross: 04:24 Baby Shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.Ross: 04:24 Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.Ross: 04:25 Baby shark!Ross: 04:28 Sorry, that’s literally going to be in your headRoss: 04:30 for the rest of the day.Ross: 04:32 Thank you everyone at Digital Elite Day for watching.Ross: 04:34 Please put your hands together and welcome to the stageRoss: 04:38 Karl Gilis, today’s keynote speaker.

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